Who am I?

Who I am doesn't matter. What I will do to make the world a better place matters.

The ultimate answer doesn't matter. The journey you take to find your answers matters.

These are my thoughts when I was trying to find the answer to the ultimate question. Everyone has their own reality and their own set of ultimate questions and corresponding answers.

I’m sharing mine with the hope that it helps you avoid some mistakes as you go through the ultimate journey that we call life.

I'm an eternal optimist and a diehard romantic. I am curious, hard working, gritty, humble, funny, enthusiastic, caring and mature.

I am someone who believes in people to the point where you could call me stupid.

I have made my mistakes and apologized for them. I have learnt to live the hard way but I'm a quick learner. I have learnt a lot about myself as part of my travels but it's never enough.

I want to make the world a better place; one person at a time.

You might call me foolish, but it is what it is.

If you've read this far, you must be tired. Here are some cookies.


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we be thrivin’


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we be vibin’